In order to promote positive behaviour, leadership and contributions to the school community, the HOUSE programme was established by Ms Emma Carey in September 2019. It acknowledges and awards the wonderful students who make a positive difference to school life here in St Finian’s College. HOUSE is run among our 1st to 3rd Years, with each student allocated to one of four HOUSES, all named after our local lakes (Derravaragh, Ennell, Owel and Sheever), in which they can earn tokens throughout the year. These tokens are converted to points. The HOUSE that has accumulated the most points by May, is richly rewarded by the school with a fun day out… on the house! HOUSE is managed by eight HOUSE Captains, two per HOUSE, who meet their ‘HOUSE mates’ at different times in the year, and encourage their efforts via Google Classroom.
Tokens can be awarded by teachers for a huge variety of reasons such as an improved effort in class, helping out fellow classmates, developing their skills on school teams, etc. Students can also earn extra tokens, by working on special challenges that are set each month by the HOUSE Officer, Ms Sinéad Garvin.
This programme allows students to interact with other year groups, develop their sense of belonging and encourages them to take responsibility within their school community. Students always enjoy the competitive element to HOUSE, especially at the end of the year when the points race is generally very close!
Our House Captains for Academic Year 2024-2025 are:
Sheever: Ms Colleen Mc Manus & Ms Clare Keighran
Ennell: Mr Kevin McKeon & Ms Lynne Blanche
Derravaragh: Ms Ruth Coloe & Mr Pat Murray
Owel: Mr Barry Kelly & Ms Rhona Healy
House Captain: Ms. Sinéad Garvin
HOUSE Challenges 2024
December HOUSE Challenge
Students (both Junior and Senior) are being asked to donate non-perishable food items to the front hall each morning before 8.40am, and the HOUSE with the most items donated will win their bonus points by the end of the month
November HOUSE Challenge
A creative writing competition is being held this month to raise awareness about our anti bullying week, in conjunction with the HOUSE programme. The HOUSE challenge is asking the Junior students to write about an act of kindness for their Kindness tree on their noticeboards, while both Junior and Senior students are invited to write a short essay, story or poem on the theme ‘Stand Up To Bullying.’
October HOUSE Challenge!
Did you know that October celebrates World Student dayandWorld Teacher day?! For this month’s challenge to earn BONUS points for your HOUSE, you can use your imagination to
- Make a TikTok
- Write a short story
- Create a crossword or word search
- Write a poem
- Use visual arts
- Etc.
- tell your story about a teacher that has made a positive impact on your life
- outline a positive experience you have had as a student in St Finian’s College
All creations (both visual and written) can be given (by hand or via Google Classroom) to your HOUSE Captains to display on your HOUSE notice boards on the top floor. If it’s a TikTok, then it might make you famous when we show it on our school socials!
Points on Offer
- 1st Place= 100 points
- 2nd Place= 80 points
- 3rd Place= 60 points
- 4th Place= 40 points
**40 BONUS points will be added to any of the winners who have written / created their piece in any language other than English!**
Remember! You can still earn youryellow and black tokens from your teachers throughout the month!
April 2024
Each HOUSE is named after a local lake, but what do you know about your HOUSE lake?
Make a poster that includes one or more subjects that you study, which includes information about
Lough Derravaragh, Lough Ennell, Lough Owel or Lough Sheever.
Maths- size, widest point, distance to Joe Dolan statue…
English- where did the lake’s name come from (etymology), stories and/ or poems written about the lake or people living around it…
Geography- draw a map, coordinates, river tributaries, measure the area in kilometres squared of your lake, wildlife, county boundary lines…
Irish- translate the name, folklore or myths associated…
History- how was the lake used in the past- fishing, first recorded reference of the lake…
Business Studies- any mills or industry from the lake, impact on local economy, tourist attractions, outdoor recreation…
Science- chemicals found in water reports, safety record…
Home Economics- fishing or by products used in diets/ recipes…
Religion- evidence of saints on any lake islands or shores, religious rituals taking place, churches or graveyards on shores or islands…
Music- any songs written about the lake or refer to the lake…
Art- how has the lake been depicted through art or creative means like statues, jewellery etc.
C.S.P.E.-What politicians have worked to protect the lake/ make it a safer place…
S.P.H.E. / P.E.- Sporting activities on the lake, any outdoor activity companies who use the lake for outdoor recreation…
French/ German- be creative! Label any elements in the language.
Congratulations to HOUSE Owel and their Captains Mr. Barry Kelly & Mr. Conor Lynch
Winning HOUSE for 2023-2024 brought the group to Croke Park & Jump Zone & Liffey Valley for their trip away