Identification of Need
Identification of educational need is central to the new model of SET. Using the Continuum of Support framework, schools can identify students’ educational needs, to include academic, social and emotional needs, as well as needs associated with physical, sensory, language and communication difficulties.
Many students will have their special educational needs identified prior to their transfer to St Finian’s College. We rely on the National Schools Passport, and information provided by parents /guardians to begin the process for a student starting with us.
This allows us to begin to plan and to ensure continuity and progression in the students’ education. Reports are welcomed from relevant professionals if parents would like to submit them.
At St Finian’s College, all incoming students complete CAT-4 testing (Cognitive Ability Testing). This also helps to identify students that will need additional support, intervention and differentiation.
If a parent or guardian suspects that there may be a learning need, they should contact the SET Coordinator or Year-Head or Deputy Principal. The student will then be referred to the SET team who will investigate and monitor the student’s progress. Good communication with the school will help to identify additional educational needs as early as possible. We work as a team with parents and students.
It is important to us that we can put all of the information we gather together to get the full picture of your child's specific learning needs, so that we can help them to fully enjoy school life, learning and achieve their full potential.